Child Custody Lawyer in Long Island, NY and Nassau County Area

There are various types of child custody law in Long Island, NY, and Nassau County Area, depending on the family situation and the court's decision. These include:

  • Legal Custody - When one parent (or both) has the authority to make decisions for the child. What types of decisions? Decisions such as where the child will go to school; where or whether your child will attend a religious institution; medical decisions (in non-emergency cases); and so on.

  • Sole Legal Custody - Only one parent is granted the rights to make the types of decisions mentioned above

  • Joint Legal Custody - Both parents are granted the rights to make the types of decisions mentioned above, even if the parents do not live together. Parents may be granted joint legal custody while not sharing joint physical custody.

  • Third-Party Legal Custody - If the court determines that neither parent is a suitable guardian for the child, it may grant custody to a third party (often a relative, such as a grandparent, adult sibling, or other interested party).

  • Physical Custody - Where the child resides primarily with that parent. It is likely that the parent with whom the child or children reside will also have legal custody (it may be sole or joint with the non-residential parent).

  • Bird's Nest Custody - The child lives continuously in a central location with each parent staying with him or her for specified periods.The type of visitation that a non-residential parent may have, can vary depending on the situation.

  • Unsupervised Visitation - The parent is allowed to have the child in his or her home without third-party supervision.

  • Supervised Visitation - In situations in which the court deems the child to be in potential danger when with a parent, a third party may be designated to supervise times of visitation.

  • Virtual Visitation - This occurs when a parent may not be physically present with the child but "visits" through the Internet (using Skype, FaceTime, or some other form of live interaction).

  • Therapeutic Supervised Visitation - In situations where the relationship between the parent and child is strained, a third party, such as a social worker, may be required to be present.

If you have any questions concerning the often difficult and painful issues involved with Child custody law in Long Island, NY or Nassau County Area, contact Abraham & Jesselson Law Group, LLC for a consultation.